We recently spoke to Natalie Fisher, medical advisor AKA 'The Derm Nurse' about her bodycare routine and her favourite Ameliorate products.
Read on to discover more about The Derm Nurse, her 14 years of industry experience, her biggest bodycare indulgence and the last thing she does before she goes to sleep...
Get ready to be inspired by The Derm Nurse and her words of skincare wisdom...
The First Thing I Do When I Wake Up Is...
Moan about having to get up! I’m not a morning person, never have been and never will be! That feeling of not wanting to get up only lasts a few minutes though, once I am up, I focus on what I need to achieve that day, grab a coffee and I’m good to go!
The Last Thing I Do Before I Go To Sleep Is...
Blow a kiss goodnight to each of my boys, sounds cheesy but it’s true. I can’t creep into their rooms and kiss them on the head because they’ll wake up and any parent will know, the last thing you want to do is wake a sleeping child!
My Weekly Bodycare Routine Is...
Other than cleansing, I’ll always attempt to exfoliate my body once or twice a week and I try to moisturise every day. I exfoliate usually with the AMELIORATE Smoothing Body Exfoliant in the shower and follow with the Transforming Body Lotion immediately after towel drying. This combination has worked particularly well on my legs and arms where I have keratosis pilaris. I can also experience the occasional flare of eczema (particularly when I’m stressed) and if this happens, I reach for La Roche Posay Lipikar Balm for that extra hydration boost.
My Favourite AMELIORATE Product Is...
Yikes that’s like choosing between children! I have two which come to mind, the Transforming Body Lotion and the Intensive Lip Treatment. If you made me choose then currently, because of wearing masks daily in clinic, I’d say the lip treatment. I’m finding that face masks are really drying my lips out so if I use this lip treatment at night, my lips are much better by morning.
The Thing I Love Most About My Body Is...
It works! I know that may seem an odd answer but I see so many bodies every day, so many different shapes, sizes, colours, scars, moles etc that I’ve grown to realise that there really isn’t one perfect body. We become so fixated on the aesthetics that we forget what incredible things our bodies are doing every day to keep us alive. I had a health scare a few years ago with my heart and it gave me perspective, as long as our bodies are functioning correctly, we have so much to be thankful for.
My Greatest Bodycare Secret Is...
I’m not sure I have any secrets, I’m so vocal that most of what I know is shared! But I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t say wear sunscreen every day. It’s honestly the best things you can do for your skin, not only from an anti-ageing perspective but also for skin cancer prevention. Start wearing sunscreen now and your older self will thank you for it.
I Keep My Body Fit And Healthy By...
This is a tricky one for me, shamefully I’m not hot on exercising. My main problem is lack of time, juggling work and being a mum (yes I know, excuses excuses!). My daily step count is usually pretty good when I’m working in clinic and generally at the weekends I try and get out with my boys. Keeping my body healthy for me also includes my mental health, personally when I’m struggling a little you’ll find me by the sea. We are living in such a strange time right now and I really feel that we need to prioritise our mental health.

My Worst Bodycare Habit Is...
Not moisturising enough when I have a flare of eczema. I preach to my patients on how to treat a flare but sometimes I don’t practice what I preach! You know how they say a mechanic can have the worst car or a cleaner may have the messiest house, well sometimes that theory applies to dermatology nurses too!
My Biggest Bodycare Indulge Is...
A laser hair removal device. I like to say (to my husband in particular!) that it was an investment. I have suffered with ingrowing hairs on my legs and actually by treating the hair gradually, I no longer experience this. So I don’t need to justify that purchase, right? I have plenty of other purchases that aren’t quite so easy to justify!
My Last Body Treatment Was...
I haven’t had a body treatment for what feels like forever! COVID has messed with so many of life’s luxuries. As soon as work starts to calm down, I plan on booking myself in ASAP for a spa day with all the trimmings!
Enjoyed reading our Bodycare Diaries with The Derm Nurse? Read our interview with skincare expert, author and aesthetician Abigail James here.

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